
I don’t know everything because there is nothing to know.

There is no question that needs to be answered. Just as there is nothing to figure out.

I’m you and you’re me. You didn’t lose it. It’s still here. You just didn’t see it. You forgot and now you remember.

I know it seems this is all new, but it’s not. Its old. It’s as old as the stone in this wall.

Do you see the woman down at the brook fetching water? She doesn’t know where it comes from or where it flows to. She simply knows it’s here now and it will nourish her. So she takes it and says thank you. See how delicately she lets the water flow into the bucket? Listen to the water flowing over the rocks. Say thank you.

This idea will take some time to get used to. You’ve never done anything like this before. That’s what is happening now. You are adjusting to a different way of being. The playfulness, the present moment.

But it’s familiar right? You forgot and now you remember.

Take your time remembering. That’s all it is. Remembering.

No lists. No routines. No shoulds.
No trying to figure things out.
Don’t ask How.
Don’t ask Who. What. When. Why. Where.

Ask for help.
And then stay open. Wide open. In the moving air.

Don’t try to figure things out. There are no answers. There are no questions.
Don’t think about it.
Don’t think about how you will do it
Don’t think about what it will look like.
Don’t think about how this problem will be solved. There is no problem.
Don’t think about not thinking about it.

Just feel and see and do.

Feel now.
Feel what it feels like when you take action.
Feel what it feels like to turn nothing into something.
Feel what it feels like when you don’t write.
Feel the ideas coming out of nowhere.
Feel the possibilities.
Feel open. Wide open.

Feel the wonder of a new idea and use the wonder wisely.
Don’t wonder How.
Instead, get lost in the wonder of inspiration and play and fun and excitement.
Let it sweep you up into the air and float around inside of it.

There is nothing to figure out.
Trying to figure it out breeds confusion and heaviness.
Trying to figure it out tricks you in to thinking your doing something productive.
Trying to figure it out wastes your energy.

She said, don’t try to figure things out.
She said, ask for help.

Please help me stay open to the beauty, the wonder, the laughter, the peace and the magic.

Especially the magic.

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